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This course is 8, 1 1/2 hour sessions held on zoom between 4pm and 5:30pm Dates 17/01/2024 30/01/2024 20/02/2024 05/03/2024 19/03/2024 17/04/2024 30/04/2024 07/05/2024

The Bible Course is an eight-session course, that explores what the Bible is, what story it tells, and how that relates to your work in a school. The additional School Edition resources are intended to be used alongside The Bible Course to help you to apply the better knowledge and understanding of the Bible you gain from the eight sessions to your work in schools.

Prior to the group session there are two 15-minute films to watch. The Bible Course manual includes summaries of the key points, space to take notes, reflection questions and a plan of daily readings. This Schools Edition provides further reflections that relate to the context of working in a school and link to Understanding Christianity and the SIAMS framework which should be explored as an individual and then can be discussed with other school staff from across the Diocese.

17th January 2024 from 16:00 pm to 17:30 pm
Virtual Event
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
SLA Price £200.00
Non SLA £300.00